Giovanni Saponaro

Giovanni Saponaro Contact Information
tel. +351 21 8418050
room 7.26, Torre Norte (ext. 2050)


VisLab - Torre Norte, 7th floor
Institute for Systems and Robotics - Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal

Since 2023, I work as Director of Engineering for AlgoFace. Previously, I was with Eyeware.

In 2019, I obtained a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at VisLab - Computer Vision Laboratory (ISR/IST, U Lisboa) under the supervision of Prof. Alexandre Bernardino. I was co-supervised by Prof. Giampiero Salvi and Prof. Lorenzo Jamone. My research focused on visual perception and reasoning algorithms for letting robots operate in human environments. You can find my thesis in the bottom of this page.

Together with linguists, computer vision experts, neuroscientists and roboticists, I participated in the POETICON++ – Robots Need Language project, developing mechanisms to make a robot execute a human verbal instruction in the presence of environment uncertainty.

I spent part of my PhD in the Speech, Music and Hearing department of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, designing an automatic gesture recognition system based on the principles of automatic speech recognition.

I am the president of the general assembly of Hipácia, the association of Italian researchers in Portugal.

Publications (see also my Google Scholar profile)
Conferences and Events Attended ("Where Have We Met Before?")