At IST/ISR, I am collaborating with the following
people. All local students mentioned here are being
co-advised by Pedro Lima and myself.
Current students / collaborators at IST/ISR:
- Rajneesh
Sharma, Post-Doc funded by the DecPUCS project, fuzzy
reinforcement-learning methods for multiagent and decentralized
- Joăo Messias, PhD student, methods for multiagent
planning under uncertainty for multi-robot systems
with uncertain communication.
- Tiago Veiga, grantee with MSc degree (funded by
DecPUCS) continuing for PhD, POMDP-based controllers for active cooperative perception in
Network Robot Systems.
- Ana Rita Mendes, MSc thesis, "Planning under
uncertainty for Search and Rescue".
- Jesús
Capitán, PhD student at the University of
Seville visiting IST/ISR, POMDP methods for target tracking.
Past students / collaborators:
- Tiago Veiga, MSc thesis, "Cooperation active
perception using POMDPs" (2010).
- Alberto Reyes
Ballesteros, Post-Doc funded by
DecPUCS project, case study on MDP and POMDP planning
for assisting power plant operators (2009).
- Hugo
Augusto, MSc thesis, "Autonomous Navigation and
Cooperative Perception Between Land and Aerial
Vehicles" (2009).