The SocRob Project
The SocRob (Society of Robots/ Soccer Robots)
project, started in 1997 at ISR, is a project on Cooperative
Robotics, whose main case study and framework for research is
robotic soccer. Work in the robotic soccer setting involves a very
wide array of research topics and fields of expertise, to name a
·Software Engineering;
·Computer Vision;
Due to its multidisciplinary nature, research in robotic soccer easily
extends and affects other scientific areas, most notably those
involving multiagent systems, and therefore it is, in itself, a very
relevant framework for research.
Our team, ISocRob, is a regular participant in national and
international robotics competitions. I have participated in the
SocRob project since 2007, and have been responsible for the team's
self-localization, control, and obstacle detection/avoidance solutions. As of 2010 I also act as
team coordinator.
The SocRob project is an invaluable source of experience in robotics
for undergraduate students and others interested in this field of
study, and is open to any applicants who may want to join in. If you
want to participate, visit
our website and contact us, stating your background and current
work/student status.