Congratulations to MArco Crocco and Cosimo Rubino for the paper “Structure from Motion with Objects” accepted at CVPR 2016!
Congratulations to MArco Crocco and Cosimo Rubino for the paper “Structure from Motion with Objects” accepted at CVPR 2016!
CVPR 2015
Check the program here: http://printart.isr.ist.utl.pt/visart/program
We are organising the 2nd workshop VISART “Where Computer Vision Meets Art” workshop at ECCV 2014 this year together with Gustavo and Joao Paulo.
We have a cool website HERE and a call for papers:
VISART II “Where Computer Vision Meets Art”
2nd Workshop on Computer VISion for ART Analysis
In conjunction with ECCV 2014
IMPORTANT DATES (to be confirmed)
Submission: June 25, 2014
Notification of acceptance: July 4, 2014
Workshop: 6,7,12th September 2014 (one-day, TBD)
Following the success of the 1st Workshop on Computer VISion for ART
Analysis held in 2012 (in conjunction with ECCV 2012), we present the
call for papers for the VISART II workshop. Art analysis is a fertile
field of application for Computer Vision techniques. It is an
interdisciplinary research in nature, which benefits the computer
vision community with new tools and new problems, and the art history
community with automatic tools for assisting in the art analysis.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading researches
in the fields of computer vision, machine learning, and multimedia
information retrieval, with a special emphasis on art and cultural
heritage applications. The ultimate goal of this workshop is to
promote interdisciplinary collaborations and expose the audience to
the problems and results in art analysis using the state-of-the-art
techniques developed in the aforementioned fields.
This one-day workshop in conjunction with ECCV 2014, calls for
high-quality, previously unpublished, works related to Computer Vision
and related areas that focus on art objects and art analysis.
Submissions should conform to the ECCV 2014 proceedings style. Papers
must be submitted online through the ECCV 2014 CMT submission system
and double-blind peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.
3D reconstruction and image metrology from paintings
Large scale 3D reconstruction of Historical sites
Human pose estimation in art
Authentication and Forensics
Deformable image models
Image representation in art
Visualisation and Interaction
Computer Vision and Cultural Heritage
Application of learning methods to art analysis
Interactive 3D media and immersive environments
Multi-modal multimedia computing systems and human machine interaction
Multimedia databases and digital libraries
Multimedia applications and services
Media content analysis and search
Hardware and software for multimedia systems, also in mobile scenarios
Security issues in the presentation and distribution of cultural
Crowdsearching and interaction for cultural heritage
Rita Cucchiara, Universita Degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
James Wang, Penn State University
David Stork, Rambus Lab
Hans Brandhorst, Iconclass/Arkyves
Dr. David G. Stork, Rambus Lab
Prof. Nuno Vasconcelos, University of California San Diego
Prof. Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University
Prof. Alexandre Bernardino, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Prof. Jose Bioucas, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Dr. Tat-Jun Chin, University of Adelaide
Prof. Fernando De la Torre, CMU
Dr. Matteo Dellepiane, ISTI-CNR Pisa
Dr. Anthony Dick, University of Adelaide
Prof. Ahmed Elgammal, Rutgers University
Prof. Mário Figueiredo, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Dr. Jacinto Nascimento, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Prof. Björn Ommer, University of Heidelberg
Prof. Silvio Savarese, Stanford university
Prof. Chunhua Shen, University of Adelaide
Dr. Josef Sivic, INRIA
Prof. Anton Van Den Hengel, University of Adelaide
Prof. Luiz Velho, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada
Prof. Andrea Fusiello, Università degli Studi di Udine
Joao Paulo Costeira, ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Gustavo Carneiro, University of Adelaide, Australia
Alessio Del Bue, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy
Please check VISART II website for additional information about the
workshop at: http://printart.isr.ist.utl.pt/visart/
I will give a tutorial presentation about the new developments in Non-rigid Structure from Motion at ICIAP 2013 (Naples, Italy) in September. Check the Tutorial pages for more information.
Brilliant news! Dr. Marco Paladini has won the Sullivan Prize for the BMVA best thesis in Machine Vision this year! The thesis is titled “Deformable and Articulated 3D Reconstruction from monocular video sequences” and among many cool stuff, the thesis features several parts of our work on NRSfM as in:
author = {M. Paladini and A. {Del Bue} and M. Sto{\v{s}}ic and M. Dodig and J. Xavier and L. Agapito},
title = {Optimal Metric Projections for Deformable and Articulated Structure-From-Motion},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
issn = {0920-5691},
pages = {252-276},
year = {2012},
volume = {96},
issue = {2},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11263-011-0468-5},
Doi = {10.1007/s11263-011-0468-5}
author = {A. {Del Bue} and J. Xavier and L. Agapito and M. Paladini},
title={Bilinear Modeling via Augmented Lagrange Multipliers (BALM)},
journal={Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on},
pages={1496 -1508},
url = {http://users.isr.ist.utl.pt/~adb/publications/2012_PAMI_Del_Bue.pdf}
Marco Crocco, Alessio Del Bue, I. Barbosa, and Vittorio Murino, “A Closed Form Solution for the Self-Calibration of Heterogeneous Sensors“, BMVC 2012.
More news about the paper soon!
Great news! See you in Firenze
Enver Sangineto, Marco Cristani, Alessio Del Bue, and Vittorio Murino, “Learning Discriminative Spatial Relations for Detector Dictionaries: an Application to Pedestrian Detection“, ECCV 2012.
Gustavo Carneiro, Nuno M. Pinho da Silva, Alessio Del Bue, and Joao Paulo Costeira, “Artistic image classification: an analysis on the PRINTART database “, ECCV 2012.
We are organising the VISART “Where Computer Vision Meets Art” workshop at ECCV 2012 this year together with Gustavo, Nuno and Joao Paulo. The aim of the workshop is to bridge the gap between art and image analysis research fields…and Florence seems the best place where to do this!
We have a cool website HERE and a call for papers:
VISART “Where Computer Vision Meets Art”
1st Workshop on Computer VISion for ART Analysis
In conjunction with ECCV 2012
Submission: July 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2012
Workshop: 12th October 2012 (one-day)
Art analysis is a fertile field of application for Computer Vision techniques. It is an interdisciplinary research in nature, which benefits the computer vision community with new tools and new problems, and the art history community with automatic tools for assisting in the art analysis.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading researches in the fields of computer vision, machine learning, and multimedia information retrieval, with a special emphasis on art and cultural heritage applications. The ultimate goal of this workshop is to promote interdisciplinary collaborations and expose the audience to the problems and results in art analysis using the state-of-the-art techniques developed in the aforementioned fields.
This one day workshop, held in conjunction with ECCV 2012, calls for high-quality, previously unpublished, works related to Computer Vision and related areas, which focus on art objects and art analysis. Submissions should conform to the ECCV 2012 proceedings style, and have a maximum of 10 pages. Papers must be submitted online through the ECCV 2012 CMT submission system and double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
A preliminary list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
Content-based Image Retrieval
3D reconstruction and image metrology from paintings
Large scale 3D reconstruction of Historical sites
Human pose estimation in art
Object detection and localization
Authentication and Forensics
Image representation in art
Multimedia applications to artistic images
Visualisation and Interaction
Computer Vision and Cultural Heritage
Application of learning methods to art analysis
Computer Vision and Art Analysis
David Stork, Rambus Lab
Art History and Iconography
Hans Brandhorst, Iconclass/Arkyves
Prof. David Suter, Adelaide University
Prof. Mario Figueiredo, Instituto de Telecomunicações (IST)
Prof. Rita Cucchiara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Prof. Nuno Vasconcelos, UC San Diego
Dr. Chunhua Shen, Adelaide University
Dr. Matteo Dellepiane, ISTI-CNR Pisa
Prof. Lior Wolf, Tel Aviv University
Dr. David Stork, Rambus Lab
Prof. José Bioucas, Instituto de Telecomunicações (IST)
Prof. Silvio Savarese, University of Michigan
Prof. David Lowe, University of British Columbia
Prof. Anton van den Hengel, Australian Centre for Visual Technologies
Dr. Tat-Jun Chin, Adelaide University
Dr. Qifeng (Javen) Shi, Australian Centre for Visual Technologies,
Prof. Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University
Prof. Björn Ommer, University of Heidelberg
Prof. Alexandre Bernardino, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Dr. Fernando De la Torre, CMU
Nuno Pinho da Silva, ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Joao Paulo Costeira, ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Gustavo Carneiro, University of Adelaide, Australia
Alessio Del Bue, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy
Please check VISART website for additional information about the
workshop at: http://printart.isr.ist.utl.pt/visart/
The research on sensor networks attracts nowadays a lot of interests because it offers interesting problems which impact on real applications in the field. In particular, the figure on top shows an example of such problems that has still many open issues. The figure show a network of sensors and events/targets. In this case our sensors are a set of microphones that “hear” a set of sound events coming from a loudspeaker. By measuring the time of arrival of the sound event we can calculate the distance between microphones and the event. The self-calibration problem tries to find the 3D position of mics/events only from these distances. Here we propose a closed form solution to the problem:
author = {M. Crocco and A. {Del Bue} and V. Murino},
title = {A Bilinear Approach to the Position Self-Calibration of Multiple Sensors},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
year = {2012},
volume = {60},
issue = {2},
url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/78/4359509/06072307.pdf?arnumber=6072307}
author = {M. Crocco and A. {Del Bue} and M. Bustreo and V. Murino},
title = {A Closed Form Solution to the Microphone Position Self-Calibration Problem},
booktitle = {37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), Kyoto, Japan},
year = {2012},
month = {March}