function [val, varargout] = diffusion_distance(im1, im2, sig, dim, threshold, pad_type) % DIFFUSION_DISTANCE calculate the diffusion distance between matrices % dist = diffusion_distance(im1, im2, [sig, dim], threshold, pad_type]) % [dist, iter] = diffusion_distance(im1, im2) compute the diffusion distance % between im1 and im2 (histograms). % % Optionally returns the number of iterations. This number will be limited by % the size of the histograms, and the threshold value, which can be set % manually, or will take the value 1e-4. % % The padding method used by the filtering stages can be set using the 4th % argument, and defaults to circular. For available options, see help imfilter. % % Reference: % Diffusion Distance for Histogram Comparison % Ling and Okada, Proc. CVPR, 2006 % % Matt Foster % % Work protected by the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported % Creative Commons license % error(nargchk(2, 6, nargin, 'struct')) if nargin < 4 sig = 0.5; dim = 3; end if nargin == 3 error('Strange number of arguments.'); end if nargin < 5 threshold = 1e-4; end if nargin < 6 pad_type = 'circular'; % see help imfilter end kernel = fspecial('gaussian', dim, sig); dist = im1 - im2; val = sum(abs(dist(:))); level_val = 1000; % This need initialising to larger than the threshold. iter = 0; while level_val > threshold && ~isscalar(dist) % all(size(dist) >= size(kernel)) iter = iter + 1; % filter, and downsample dist = imresize(imfilter(dist, kernel, pad_type), 0.5); level_val = sum(abs(dist(:))); val = val + level_val; end if nargout >= 2 varargout{1} = iter; end