Catadioptric system: preliminary images

Images (1):

catd_v1.jpg 87.132 bytes

catd_vy_.jpg 69.881 bytes

Images (2): changed distance camera->mirrors:

catd_2.jpg 85.120 bytes

catd_2yu.jpg 44.480 bytes

Images (3): changed color camera to BW camera to improve focusing:

catd_4a.jpg 74.669 bytes

catd_4uz.jpg 48.736 bytes

[Images date: Feb98]

Catadioptric system: ground unwarp to Bird's Eye View

Lab image (notice rectangular pattern on the ground):

lab2cal.jpg 22052 bytes

lab2g4r.jpg 17988 bytes and lab2g8r.jpg 21335 bytes

Corridor image:

t3i14.jpg 9512 bytes

t3i14_4m.jpg 7271 bytes and t3i14_8m.jpg 7627 bytes


Catadioptric system with a digital camera

odv.jpg (1600x1200) 226kb

odv_uw.jpg (3693x546) 227kb
