Petri net to PLC converting:

IO mapping and Validation

2021, Hugo Barroso & José Gaspar



Designing Petri nets (PN) with input/output (I/O) is a way of designing programs for PLCs. A PN with I/O interacts with a system or, in other words, supervises a system. A PN typically has inputs at the transitions and outputs at the places. See in figure1 the arrows "PN actuation" meaning the outputs required to drive the system and see "PN inputs" meaning the signals observed in the system and used to drive the Petri net.


Figure1: Petri net supervising the system "HW to be controlled".


This page provides a software package that converts a PN with I/O to PLC-code, completed with verification / validation features. Verification and validation are based on reachability analysis and allow the assessment of error-free PN to PLC-code conversion.

One challenge of doing validation by reachability analysis is the so-called state space explosion. We consider (accept) only bounded PNs based on the construction and analysis of the coverability tree.



The Petri net is represented by its incidence matrix, D, and has inputs / outputs associated to transitions and places, respectively. The matrix D has size n lines by m columns, where n denotes the number of places and m denotes the number of transitions. Matrix D=D+-D-. In code, the D+ and D- matrices are usually denoted as Pre= D- and Pos= D+. The initial marking is denoted as mu0.

Verification and validation allow comparing the behavior of a PN with the discrete event system running on a PLC, from a black box perspective: one generates PLC inputs and should obtain PLC outputs as designed by the PN complemented with I/O.

The black box test involves showing the PLC reaches all reachable states, by providing the right input events at the right times. These events are automatically generated based on the coverability tree of the PN.

Validation of the PLC program means testing desired behaviors. These behaviors can be represented also as PNs and therefore explored in conjunction with the PN implemented in the PLC. Usually one creates a storyboard (a PN with I/O) which is combined with the PN implemented in the PLC, and a complete system reachable set can then be generated for a black box test.


Package Download and First Test

[Instructions for Windows]

Install an SVN client, e.g. the freeware TortoiseSVN ** including its command line tools **.

A reboot may be required after installing TortoiseSVN.


In Matlab run the following lines:

% go to a folder where you can receive files retrieved by SVN

% the next line is long (ends at /sww)

!svn co  --username pn2plc --password coverability svn://

cd sww


cd test

cd exp1_PN_sim



Tests Contained in the Repository

The design of the PNs with IO, the starting point of our conversion and validation toolchain, is based on the IOPT tools:


Our PLC code production toolchain is applied on the PNs with IO, therefore allowing to verify whether the PNs are correctly translated to PLC ST programs.

The repository contains three experiments in three separate folders:




The first experiment, in folder exp1_PN_sim, loads a PN with IO (a .pnml file), finds the reachable set of the PN, and generates events to reach all possible states. Figure 2 shows the results.

Figure 2: Test of a PN with IO. Top plot shows an automatically generated sequence that drives the PN through all the reachable states. The other two plots show the state of the PN and the generated outputs.

The second experiment, in folder exp2_IOPT_to_ST, tests the conversion from PN to PLC-code (Structured Text). Figure 2 shows a sample of lines of code generated. See the full code in the folder, file "alarm_TEST_UNITY.txt".

Figure 3: Sample lines of the PLC-code generated from a PN.


The third experiment, in folder exp3_PLC_Unity_tst, involves the PLC development environment, Unity Pro (v13), which is contacted by a client running in Matlab (see Figure 4).


(a) Setup with one input and one output modules


(b) Setup based on a single input and output module

(c) Simulated-hardware setup. The input and output are mapped on the PLC memory.


Figure 4: Schneider's PLC development environment, Unity Pro, interacting with a client running in Matlab.


Maintenance & Acknowledgement

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

In case you find this software useful and do any publication in the sequel please cite the paper:

"Validation of Discrete Event Processes implemented on PLCs based on Petri Nets", Hugo Conde Barroso and José Gaspar, IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC) 2021.



Prof. José Gaspar
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Torre Norte
Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Office: Torre Norte do IST, 7.19
phone : +351 21 8418 293
fax : +351 21 8418 291
www :