Spider Vision for Robots Navigation (id 7285)




Spiders have multiple eyes. In some cases as much as eight eyes. Those eyes however have in many cases an effective arrangement (located around the body) that allow precise estimation of self or targets motion.



- Review of methodologies for acquiring 3D self location based in two or more cameras;

- Mount a number of cameras and connect them to a computer;

- Design of a positioning system based in multiple cameras fixed in a mobile robot;

- Uncertainty analysis of the position estimation process.


Requirements (grades, required courses, etc):

Current average grade >= 15







Geometric computer vision provides a number of freeware tools helping the specific problem of this dissertation. In particular it is expected to study and use the freeware tool "OpenGV".


Keywords: Rigs of multiple cameras, Multiple-cameras motion, Visual odometry, Ego-motion, OpenGV


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