Rovio mobile webcam, Pioneer P3-AT mobile robot, Octomap by K. Wurm et al, MS Kinect


MSc dissertation proposal 2014/2015


Vision Based Navigation for Humanoid Robots





This project is framed on a CMU Program project proposal whose aim is to research and develop a novel Robotic Assistance Platform designed to support healthy lifestyle, sustain active aging, and support those with motor deficits. It involves research universities and SMEs from Portugal, and the US.




IST is involved in developing navigation and control algorithms for mobile platforms. These platforms consist of tether free robotic wheeled robots, which must be capable of indoor navigation in structured environments (e.g. hospital floors, daycare centers). Due to the limited communications capabilities, most processing must be done onboard which implies a focus of research on efficient methods and algorithms for obstacle detection, trajectory planning and map based navigation. The work will be implemented on the robot VIZZY consisting of a humanoid head and torso mounted on a segway platform. This platform will be used to evaluate the performance and reliability of the obtained solution.


Detailed Description:


This work will focus on autonomous robot navigation in indoor scenarios. The student will be acquainted with existing 3D obstacle detection algorithms and navigation solutions, and will extend these so as to have the VIZZY robot navigating autonomously inside corridors. Although current solutions involve only vision, the integration with range data (kinect) is suggested.


The work is broken into the following subgoals which will need to be completed:



For this work it can be assumed that a known map is provided. The agent will need to continuously localize itself with respect to this map, taking into account its motor commands



Although a map is provided, some dynamic objects will not appear no the map. These include people wandering in the corridors, and other possible inanimate obstacles. The agent needs to be aware of its surroundings and plan routes which will effectively avoid these obstacles or, as a last resort, stop to avoid collision.



The agent is expected to be able to navigate towards any point on the map by generating a suitable trajectory and following it.


Expected Results:


The students will develop theoretical navigation, computer vision and signal processing. This project might be integrated in a dynamic, multidisciplinary and international team and will have the opportunity to contact with the best research teams and SME’s in the field. The final result must consist in the demonstration of an application illustrating the successful achievement of the theoretical and practical aspects of the work.







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