Schneider PLCs Micro and Premium. Arduino.

MSc dissertation proposal 2014/2015


Monitoring Programmable Logic Controllers





Building real world reliable and robust systems usually means using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). PLCs are modular digital computers that allow using a large variety, and number, of electrical input and/or output interfaces. The mechanical, hardware and software designs are made robust in order to handle continuous operation in environments overwhelmed with electromagnetic and mechanical (e.g. vibration) noise. Without noticing, PLCs are almost everywhere, from the industrial assembly lines, to the elevators, power grid control, etc (see [PLC_intro]).


Monitoring PLCs is usually provided by proprietary (closed) software. The manufacturers of the PLCs generally provide the monitoring software but do not open their interfaces. When one needs to develop hardware peripherals, or hardware that interacts with PLCs, effective (fast) monitoring is frequently hard to obtain with the provided software monitoring tools.





The main objective of this work is the design of an Arduino based hardware interface that allows fast monitoring of the physical interface of a PLC.



Detailed description:


Major automation companies offer modular digital computers that allow using a large variety, and number, of electrical input and/or output interfaces, the so called Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC - term invented by Allen Bradley [PLC_intro]). Together with the hardware, the automation companies also offer, or sell, monitoring software. The software interfaces are however usually closed. Developing fast monitors of the physical inputs and outputs of a PLC is normally challenging or even impossible with the tools provided by default by the automation companies.


In this work is proposed the construction of a hardware "sniffer" for the digital (physical) interface of PLCs, namely the PLCs available in the IST/MEEC graduation courses, i.e. the Schneider Premium TSX57 [Schneider_Premium]. The choice of constructing a hardware interface brings the advantage that the operating frequency can be much higher than the frequency that monitoring software can provide. In addition, being an external hardware interface, one has the guarantee that monitoring does not increase the memory/time complexity of the PLC software.


The proposed hardware to implement the "sniffer" is the Arduino [Arduino-www] combined with a logging shield. In particular one has to pay attention to the voltage levels, 5V in the Arduino vs 24V in the PLC. While reducing can be done simply by a voltage divider, augmenting from 5V to 24V implies using, for instance, a comparator and a DC-DC converter for power supply.


Another aspect is the number of monitored binary channels. The most common Arduino, the "Uno", has just 14 digital inputs / outputs, which is much lesser than the common 16 inputs +16 outputs found in the PLCs. Strategies for augmenting the number of monitored channels are also supposed to be discussed.


The work is therefore organized in the following main steps:

- Developing one input and output, pass-through, bit hardware interface between the Arduino and the PLC

- Logging along time the binary signals passing through the bit interface

- Replacing external power to the interface by the USB powering of the Arduino

- Augmenting the number of IO bits handled by the interface





[PLC_intro] "What is a PLC?", in Machine Information Systems website,


 [Schneider_Premium] "Schneider PAC, PLC & other Controllers"


[Arduino-www] "Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform",




Requirements (grades, required courses, etc):



Expected results:


At the end of the work, the students will have enriched their experience in creating system based on a PLC using off-the-shelve components. In particular are expected to develop and assess:

- The hardware integration of the various components

- Software to interface and monitor the system



Place for conducting the work-proposal:





"In don't always get the luxury to pick your term project, but if you can, find a problem you want to solve for yourself in your own life. Design a novel solution for it with a PIC or other microprocessor. Wire it up and program it. Understand the hardware and software well so that you can present it well. Have a fun time doing it. If you find that you lose track of time while you are working on the program and find it hard to put it down even at midnight, you've got exactly the right idea! Best wishes!"



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