Network surveillance cameras


MSc dissertation proposal 2011/2012


Modelling and Operating Surveillance Cameras





The increasing need of surveillance in public spaces and the recent technological advances on embedded video compression and communications made camera networks ubiquitous. Most of nowadays surveillance cameras are however still very conventional: imaging resolution is usually 640x480 (or less) to keep low bandwidth usage, pan-tilt-zoom are manually driven, fisheye lenses wider than 180deg are not common due to a harder interpretation by humans, etc.


This project proposal is focused on removing some of the restrictions. The interfacing standard is network based (i.e. considering IP cameras), and it is assumed that some processing can be handled in the camera (IP cameras usually have a computer inside running linux). Some restrictions to remove involve maintaining scene representations on the camera and implementing some automatic tracking behaviours.


Note: this project is proposed in the framework of two projects, a national project on camera modelling and calibration, and an EU financed project (QREN) on modelling and using high-definition surveillance cameras.





The main objectives of this project are: (i) interfacing to novel IP cameras, (ii) calibrating the cameras and the camera-network, and (iii) detecting and tracking events.



Detailed description:


This project proposal is focused on modelling and operating network (IP) cameras, and placing memory and processing capabilities on the camera. The IP camera interfaces are currently receiving much attention in the form of a large consensus on what the interfacing standard should be. Major surveillance / IP camera manufacturers have recently introduced the ONVIF standard [ONVIF-www] which has effectively the capabilities to be a global standard on the video surveillance market.


Placing memory and processing on the cameras has clear advantages on keeping low bandwidth constraints. Some of the working directions come from video encoding technologies. For example saving locally background images allows sending just incremental changes. Compensating imaging artefacts and tracking moving objects are additional methodologies allowing bandwidth saving, and therefore incorporating high-definition cameras within the currently installed networking hardware.


Exchanging information directly among the cameras is another way to save network bandwidth. Handing over events among cameras, e.g. informing of moving objects that are expected to enter the field of view of neighbouring cameras, usually involves calibrating the camera-network. Given a number of reconstructed 3D-points of the environment and their images we can calibrate the network of cameras using standard computer vision methodologies [Hartley00]. This is also one aspect to focus in this project proposal.


In summary, this project proposal involves:

1) Developing a software interface to novel high-definition IP cameras

2) Calibrating the individual cameras and the camera-network

3) Detecting and tracking moving objects; monitoring of tracked events over the camera network





[Hartley00] R. I. Hartley and I. Zisserman. Multiple view geometry in computer vision. pages 150–152, 2000. 


[LoweWWW] David G. Lowe. Demo software: Sift keypoint detector.˜lowe/keypoints/.


[Axis] IP camera manufacturer actively involved in the definition of the ONVIF standard


[ONVIF-www] open industry forum for the development of a global standard for the interface of IP-based physical security products



Requirements (grades, required courses, etc):



Expected results:


At the end of the work, the students will have enriched their experience in computer vision applied to surveillance camera setups.



Place for conducting the work-proposal:




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