Axis wireless camera, Arduino, Ethernet shield and Pololu robot

MSc dissertation proposal 2010/2011


Microcontroller Based Surveillance Mobile Robot






"Although a few of the robots of tomorrow may resemble the anthropomorphic devices seen in Star Wars, most will look nothing like the humanoid C-3PO. In fact, as mobile peripheral devices become more and more common, it may be increasingly difficult to say exactly what a robot is. Because the new machines will be so specialized and ubiquitous--and look so little like the two-legged automatons of science fiction--we probably will not even call them robots. But as these devices become affordable to consumers, they could have just as profound an impact on the way we work, communicate, learn and entertain ourselves as the PC has had over the past 30 years."

Excerpt of A Robot in Every Home, Bill Gates,, January 2007.


Current home (personal) mobile robots are starting now to have affordable prices. Those robots can be vacuum cleaners such as the iRobot Roomba, can be telepresence robots, as the Anybots' QA, or can be simply Mobile Webcams, such as the WowWee's Rovio [Rovio-www]. Most of these robots have in common the combination of mobile robotics, video cameras and wireless communications. Communications are in many aspects the bottleneck of the robots. In this work we propose using the wireless network of surveillance cameras as a basis to build networked mobile robots.





The objectives of this work are threefold: (i) assembling one Axis 207w camera and one Arduino 2009 on a Pololu robot basis, (ii) developing software to communicating with the Axis cameras and passing commands to a microcontroller that drives the mobile robot, (iii) developing a graphics user interface to command the robot while observing the captured images.



Detailed description:


Surveillance is one of the envisaged applications for mobile robots. Surveillance mobile robots in essence combine mobile robots with cameras and internet communications. One of the key challenges to build these robots is certainly creating reliable wireless communication methodologies. In particular, the communications are expected to work in occupied spectrum scenarios such as most of today's office environments.


Reliable wireless communication is an issue being effectively approached by the surveillance camera manufacturers (see e.g. [Axis-www]). The main focus of the current work is therefore exploring the effective communication methodologies present in a surveillance camera (more precisely the Axis 207w), link it to a general microcontroller (Arduino 2009 or Uno [Arduino-www]) and then mount both elements on a mobile robot (Polulu [Polulu-www]).


The work is therefore organized in the following main steps:

- Mounting the Axis 207w and the Arduino on the Pololu robot basis

- Acquiring video in a PC having a wireless connection to the Axis camera

- Using the Axis camera to pass-through commands from the PC to the Arduino

- Designing a user interface commanding the mobile robot and observing the images captured by the onboard camera





[Rovio-www] "Rovio Mobile Webcam",


[Axis-www] "Axis 207 Network Camera",


[Arduino-www] "Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform",


[Polulu-www] "Pololu RP5 Tracked Tank Chassis Gray",




Requirements (grades, required courses, etc):



Expected results:


At the end of the work, the students will have enriched their experience in creating an embedded system using off-the-shelve components. In particular are expected to develop and assess:

- The hardware integration of the various components

- Software to interface and monitor the system



Place for conducting the work-proposal:





"In don't always get the luxury to pick your term project, but if you can, find a problem you want to solve for yourself in your own life. Design a novel solution for it with a PIC or other microprocessor. Wire it up and program it. Understand the hardware and software well so that you can present it well. Have a fun time doing it. If you find that you lose track of time while you are working on the program and find it hard to put it down even at midnight, you've got exactly the right idea! Best wishes!"


[excerpt extracted from]



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