function [x] = linprog_alt(f, A,b) % % Alternative function to Matlab's linprog.m that can be used with simpler problem as: % % xopt= arg_x min f'*x % s.t. A*x <= b c= f; k= size(A,1); [x] = linprog_main(A,b,c,k); %LINPROG This code uses the revised simplex method to solve the linear % programming problem: Minimize the cost c'x subject to equations Ax=b % and nonnegativity x >=0: % % f = Min { c'x; Ax = b, x >= 0 }, % % You must define an m by n matrix A , a column vector b with % m components, and a column vector c with n components. % You may define k to change the first k equations of Ax=b to % inequalities: thus [A(1:k,:)]x <= b(1:k). % % The output vector x gives the minimum cost, which is the output f. % % [x,f,itn] = linprog(A,b,c,k,maxit,tol) % % At most "maxit" iterations (default 10*length(b)) are applied % and the actual number of iterations is returned in "itn". % % If the optimal solution is unbounded or the constraints are % inconsistent then a diagnostic is displayed. % Bland's rule is used to resolve degeneracies. In exact % arithmetic cycling is not possible. But in real life!!! % If x has more than 20 components it is returned in the % sparse format. Note that if A has many zeros it is worth % passing it to linprog in sparse format. % % Although written for teaching purposes this routine has % successfully solved some problems with size(A) = [50,100000]! % % Please report any difficulties to: % New version (c) I.D.Coope, 1988, 1993 function [x,f,it,B] = linprog_main(A,b,c,k,maxit,tol) [m,n]=size(A); b=b(:); c=c(:); it=0; if (length(c)~=n | length(b)~=m),error('wrong dimensions'); end if (nargin<6), tol=1e-10; end if (nargin<5), maxit=10*m; end if (nargin<4), k=0; elseif isempty(k), k=0; end D=sign(sign(b)+.5); if k, D(1:k)=ones(k,1); end D = diag(D); % initial (inverse) basis matrix A = [A D]; % incorporate slack/artificial variables B = n+1:n+m; % initial basis N = 1:n; % non-basis [bmin,j]=min(b(1:k)); if bmin<0, phase=1; xb=ones(m,1); s=[zeros(n+k,1);ones(m-k+1,1)]; % supercost N=[N,B(j)]; J=B; J(j)=[]; B(j)=n+m+1; a=b-sum(A(:,J)')'; A=[A a]; D(:,j)= -a/a(j); D(j,j)=1/a(j); elseif k==m, phase=2; xb=b; s=[c;zeros(m,1)]; % cost function else % k==[] or bmin>=0 phase=1; xb=abs(b); s=[zeros(n+k,1);ones(m-k,1)]; % supercost end while phase<3, df=-1; t=inf; yb= D'*s(B); % multipliers for Ax=b while (it < maxit) if isempty(N), break, end % no freedom for minimization r = s(N) - [A(:,N)]'*yb; % reduced costs [rmin,q] = min(r); % determine new basic variable if rmin>=-tol*(norm(s(N),inf)+1), break, end % optimal! it=it+1; if df>=0 % apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling if maxit==inf, disp(['LINPROG(',int2str(it),'): warning! degenerate vertex']); end J=find(r<0); Nq=min(N(J)); q=find(N==Nq); end d = D*A(:,N(q)); I=find(d>tol); % I=find(d>0); if isempty(I), disp('Solution is unbounded'); it=-it; break; end xbd=xb(I)./d(I); [r,p]=min(xbd); p=I(p); if df>=0, % apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling J=find(xbd==r); Bp=min(B(I(J))); p=find(B==Bp); end xb= xb - r*d; xb(p)=r; % update x df=r*rmin; % change in f v = D(p,:)/d(p); % row vector yb= yb + v'*( s(N(q)) - d'*s(B) ); d(p)=d(p)-1; D = D - d*v; % update inverse basis matrix t=B(p); B(p)=N(q); if t>n+k, N(q)=[]; else N(q)=t; end end % end of phase xb=xb+D*(b-A(:,B)*xb); % iterative refinement I=find(xb<0); % must be due to rounding error if I, xb(I)=xb(I)-xb(I); end % so correct if phase==2 | it<0, break; end; % B, xb,n,m,res=A(:,B)*xb-b if xb'*s(B)>tol,it=-it; disp('no feasible solution'); break; end phase=phase+1; % re-initialise for Phase 2 s=1e6*norm(c,'inf')*s; s(1:n)=c;% tol=tol*norm(s,inf); end x=sparse(n,1); x(B)=xb; x=x(1:n); if n<21, x=full(x); end f=c'*x; if it>=maxit, disp('too many iterations'); it=-it; end