2nd Order Digital Controller on a Arduino
+ Matlab Config & Monitor Interface

November 2015, José Gaspar



In this page you can find a second order digital controller implemented on an Arduino 2009 or Uno. The controller is configured using the USB connection. A Matlab interface allows also realizing a number of experiments such as obtaining step responses, open or closed loop. This software helps the initial developing of the local control of the physical setup used in the Distributed Control Systems course.

Implementing a second order digital controller can be done with a difference equation corresponding to a transfer function:

where the coefficients a0 till b2 are set in accordance to the system at hand, G(z):

Figure1: System G(z) controlled by the feedback controller C(z).


Download and usage

Download the zip file ctrl_ord2_serial.zip and decompress it to a folder of your choice.

Load the program ctrl_ord2_serial.ino to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE. Note, you need to keep ctrl_ord2_serial.ino in the folder ctrl_ord2_serial/. as that is what is expected by the Arduino IDE.

Start Matlab and change to the folder containing the files arduino*.m. Within Matlab you need to define the serial port (USB connection). You usually find the COM port through the Arduino IDE.

First usage example, considering e.g. communicating through COM3:

     >> arduino_ini('COM3'); arduino_end

Usage after uploading ctrl_ord2_serial.ino to the Arduino:

     >> arduino_ini; arduino_cmd({'C', 's', '<'}); arduino_end

Note: These instructions are written for the Windows operating system. This distribution has not been tested with Linux or OSX.



In this example the circuit to control is a first order RC series circuit, where R=10KOhm C=1microFarad. The circuit is commanded by the PWM output in pin9. The command value and the capacitor voltage are observed by the ADC0 and ADC1, respectively.

Figure2: RC-series circuit mounted on an Arduino.

The Matlab script is the following:

close all


% acquire and plot signals


arduino_cmd({'r0','s', 'r123', 's', '<'});

arduino_cmd({'r0','s', 'c00.5', 'C', 'r500', 'x', '<'});

arduino_cmd({'r0','s', 'c00.4','c1-0.1','c3-1', 'C', 'r500', 'x', '<'});

arduino_cmd({'c01', 'c10', 'c20', 'c30', 'c40', 'C'});



% just label the plots

leg= {'PWM signal (0..1024)', 'control signal (0..255)', 'capacitor charge (0..1024)'};

for i=1:3


    if i==1, legend(leg{[1 3]}); else legend(leg{2:3}); end

    xlabel('Time [\mu sec]')



Explaining the commands that Matlab is sending to Arduino:

'r0','s' - set reference to zero and run a null-step actuation to discharge the capacitor

'r123', 's', '<' - set reference 123, acquire the step response, and plot

'c00.5', 'C' - set a proportional controller with gain 0.5, and show (print on screen) the controller expression

'c00.4','c1-0.1','c3-1' - set the coefficients of a PI controller (0.4 - 0.1Z^(-1)) / (1 - Z^(-1))

'r500', 'x', '<' - set reference 500 and acquire a closed loop response

'c01', 'c10', 'c20', 'c30', 'c40' - reset the controller to become proportional with gain 1.0


The result of arduino_cmd({'r0','s', 'c00.5', 'C', 'r123', 'x', '<'}) , i.e. the open loop step response, is shown in the next figure. Note that the Arduino has 10 bits ADC (values 0..1024), and PWM control of just 8 bits (0..255). Hence, the value of 123 is approximately half of the maximum output (steady state of a low pass of the PWM output).

Figure3: Open loop response, showing samples of the PWM signal and of the capacitor voltage.

The results of the two controllers, proportional and PI, are shown in the next figure. Note that in this case the reference value of 500 is compared with the range 0..1024. The proportional controller is known to have nonzero steady state error as the system does not have a pure integrator: see in the plot that the output converges to about 330 instead of 500. The PI controller theoretically is expected to obtain zero steady state error. Note that effectively the output converges to the reference 500.


Figure3: Closed loop. Proportional controller (left). PI controller (right).



This program was created for the purpose of helping a control systems course. There is however no continuous maintenance other than the requirements associated to the classes.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.



In case you find this software useful and do any publication in the sequel please cite the paper:

Ekit - Tool for Learning Signals, Circuits And Electronic Systems, Nuno Lucas, José Gaspar, João Sequeira, in Proc. of IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações e de Computadores, pp35-40, November 2008, Lisbon, Portugal. PDF file.



Prof. José Gaspar
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Torre Norte
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Office: Torre Norte do IST, 7.19
phone : +351 21 8418 293
fax : +351 21 8418 291
www : http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~jag