Industrial Automation - IST MEEC/MEGE


Topics from previous industrial automation courses


J. Gaspar



The industrial automation course in previous years had more classes and therefore allowed presenting more detailed contents. Those detailed contents can still be studied and presented by students as an answer to the 3rd assignment. In the following is a list of interesting topics, each one allowing to make a 3rd assignment presentation.


Turing Machines, Busy Beaver - Detail how to make a Turing machine using MATLAB, and show the example of a Busy Beaver


What is a decidable problem? - Introduce the concept of Decidable/Undecidable problem, study the case of the reachability problem


What is LEX and YACC? - Programming languages, Backus-Naur form (BNF), compilers


CAD/CAM and CNC - Current 3D printing software, CURA, still generates G-code, the way of programming Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machines. Give an example of the implementation of a G-code.


STUXNET the virus that almost started ww3 - Define "replay attack", "man in the middle attack" and "stealth command modification attack"