%function lsdc2_install % Install at home a copy of CMNO files found in the lab % April 2023, J. Gaspar if ~ispc error('Install script made only for Windows') end % define and make destination dir p= 'c:\users2'; if ~exist(p, 'dir') mkdir(p); end % define source (url) and local file (lsdc2.zip) url= 'http://users.isr.ist.utl.pt/~jag/aulas/cmno22/distr/lsdc2.zip'; f= 'lsdc2'; e= '.zip'; % function download_and_unzip( p, f, e, url ) str= ['curl --output "' f e '" --ssl-no-revoke --url ' url]; cd0= cd; cd(p) try %[status, cmdout]= system(str); [~, ~]= system(str); catch error('download of zip file failed') end unzip([f e]) cd(cd0); % local install cd0= cd; cd c:\users2\lsdc2 login_z_install cd(cd0); % typical usage disp('Whenever you want, go to your working folder with >> login_cee')