Linear and Nonlinear State-Space Control Theory

Using Matlab to explore more the practice-class problems

J. Gaspar


The problems here referred are from the collection made by Professor Joćo Miranda Lemos



Note1: This page is not the solution of the exercises (yes, you still need to attend the practice-classes of the course). This page is in essence a collection of extra information or simulations obtained / helped by the use of Matlab. Notes2: The control toolbox is necessary for most of the examples shown bellow. In order to overview the control toolbox just type in the Matlab prompt the command doc control




P1. Simulation of a two capacitors circuit using the state space model.

In these simulations R=1KOhm and C=1mF. Alternative models are generated using random changes of basis. Download the simulation files p1.m and p1b.m. To run the simulation files open the files with Matlab and press F5 or type their names in the command line (assuming you are in the right folder).



P2. Mass-spring-damper system


Phase portrait, initial guesses using just the dynamics matrix: download p2c.mdl, p2c_tst0.m and p2c_tst1.m . For a partial demo run tst0. Run tst1 for the complete demo. These demos require also Simulink.



P4. Conversion between models: transfer function to state-space. In Matlab (control toolbox) you can do simply [A,B,C,D] = tf2ss(num, den)


Challenge: write your own Matlab function that converts a transfer function to a state space model. Conversion in the simplest case where the degree of the numerator is lower than the degree of the denominator can be seen in my_tf2ss.m and tested by running that function without arguments.



P5. Mass-Spring-Dumper time response. To see phase space drawings run p5b.m, where two cases are considered, namely having or not having damping.


P6. Obtaining transition matrices for systems can be based in the inverse Laplace transform. See a demonstration in p6b.m. This code shows an example




P11. The two populations cannot coexist. See p11_tst.m. Depending on the initial conditions, one of the populations is going to disappear. In the next table (N0,P0) denote equilibrium points:



Notice that stable points are (0,2) and (1,0), so there is no option of (a,b) with a and b simultaneously not zero.


Graphically, local directions show convergence towards the extinction of one or the other population: