% function p2c_tst1 % needs to write in the workspace % Feb 2016, J. Gaspar A= [0 1; -1 -1]; %A= [0 1; -1 -.1]; % low damping, large oscillation %A= [0 1; -1 -2]; % high damping, small oscillations B= [0; 1]; C= eye(2); D= [0; 0]; x0= [1; 0]; th= (0:45:360)*pi/180; x0n= [cos(th); sin(th)]; figure(201); clf; hold on for i=1:size(x0n,2) x0= x0n(:,i); [t,x,y] = sim('p2c'); % simulation (simulink p2c.mdl gets A,B,C,D,x0) plot(y(:,1),y(:,2)) end axis equal grid on % draw over the previous test p2c_tst0