Industrial Automation Course at ULisboa

Use Ethernet to Log PLC Strings

2023 José Gaspar



This webpage has the purpose of providing one coding example where one PLC creates text messages which can be logged by a remote PC. The logging is realized with a Matlab function, running in the PC, that uses the ethernet connection to poll the memory of the PLC. The connection protocol is Modbus.


Log PLC Strings Generated by the PLC Simulator


Download the Unity Pro project stored in the zip file

and unzip it. After downloading and unzipping the project, compile and transfer the project to a simulated PLC (part of Unity Pro). Then launch the Matlab function myterminal5, see Figure 1(a).


Running myterminal5 allows showing a string created by the PLC. Unity Pro allows the PLC to generate other strings. In Matlab:

myterminal5 > mymenu > Log final strings

allows collecting (logging) a sequence of strings. Explanation: Matlab / myterminal5 are constantly polling the PLC memory and save any novel strings appearing in the PLC memory.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated


(a) Virtual terminal that communicates with the PLC. Keys are available provided keyboard columns are energized. The PLC string buffer, a null terminated string starting at %MW190, is displayed when the terminal is "Running".


A screenshot of a computer program

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

(b) Options for communication, simulation times, strings logging and terminal refresh. The commands "show" report mostly on the Matlab command line. Command "Logged strings show" reports in a new window.

Fig.1: Virtual terminal running in Matlab connects to the PLC simulator using Modbus (a). The virtual terminal allows logging strings after activation of option "Log final strings" (b). Logged strings display is available by clicking "Logged strings show".




Log PLC Strings generated by the real PLC


To avoid IP address conflicts among many groups running the same code, the project (zip file provided above) does not have the IP address configured. Therefore, using the real PLC involves configuring its IP address. Detailed instructions to configure the IP address of the PLC:


Having followed the instructions of the webpage indicated in the previous paragraph to set the IP address, one would already have the Matlab interface configured to connect to the PLC, using ethernet. However, if one restarts Matlab, the connection information is lost, and therefore one needs to inform Matlab, once more, about the IP address:

myterminal5 > mymenu > PLC IP change by hand.


Details of Mixing Hardware IO with Virtual IO


Simulated (virtual) IO allows developing and testing the PLC programs without the real PLCs. The Matlab interface shown in Figure 1, effectively writes and reads binary memories (and words) of the PLC. The list of binary and word memories used in the PLC is easily shown in Matlab with:

myterminal5 > mymenu > Comms show addr and ip


The mixture of hardware and virtual IO is based on two structured text sections, to be run as the first and last sections of the Unity Pro (PLC) project. The first section, mix_IO_ini sets each input to true in case a binary memory indicates that. The last section, mix_IO_end reports to memories the current state of the real outputs and resets the real inputs to the original values before the overwriting guided by binary memories.


Explanation: The simulated IO uses memories %M0 till %M19 (type EBOOL) where Matlab reads PLC information (as PLC generated outputs) and writes simulated inputs. In addition, memory words %MW180 till %MW199 (type INT) are used for communicating words and text (strings). The referred PLC program sections, mix_IO_ini and mix_IO_end, (provided in the zip linked in the top of this webpage) implement simultaneously real and simulated IO, by adding in the beginning of the scan cycle code as

%m20:= %i0.2.0; %i0.2.0:= write_input_ebool( %i0.2.0 OR %m0 );

and at the end of the scan cycle code as

%m10 := %q0.4.0; %i0.2.0:= write_input_ebool( %m20 );

This code is adapted and repeated for 8 inputs and 8 outputs.



The software offered on this webpage was created for the purpose of being used in classes. There is no continuous maintenance other than the requirements associated to the classes.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


In case you find this software useful and do any publication in the sequel please refer to the course Industrial Automation at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.


Prof. José Gaspar
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Torre Norte
Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Office: Torre Norte do IST, 7.19
phone : +351 21 8418 293
fax : +351 21 8418 291
www :