Discrete Event Systems simulation using Petri nets with inputs

2013, José Gaspar



In this page you can find a Petri nets simulator to use in Matlab. In particular this page contains a complete functional example of simulating the well know "philosophers dinner" problem. This simulated discrete event system serves as a basis example for the laboratory of the Industrial Automation Course 2013/14.

The reason for teaching in the course Petri nets with input/output is that it is a way of designing programs for PLCs. The direct implementation for a PLC is not considered in this webpage. The focus here is the simulation of the complete system.

Running a Petri net requires a simulator of a system to interact with or, in other words, to supervise. In particular are required interface functions (IO) of the Petri net with the system to interact with. See in figure1 the arrows "PN actuation" meaning the outputs required to drive the system, and see "PN inputs" meaning the signals observed in the system and used to drive the Petri net.


Figure1: Petri net supervising the system "HW to be controlled".


The simulation of a Petri net consists of two main steps namely (i) the verification that the pre-conditions are met and (ii) the state evolution after selecting just the possible-to-fire events. See in figure2 an implementation using Matlab.


Figure2: Running a Petri net.

Interacting with the system to be supervised by the Petri net involves defining inputs and outputs. In the simulator, the inputs and the outputs are handled by two functions having predefined names "PN_s2act.m" and "PN_tfire.m". A working example encompassing inputs is made available in the next section and described in a later section.


Download and Usage

Download the zip file lab2_sim_5philosophers.zip and decompress it to a folder of your choice (note, this code is the version updated in 2015 to correct for a display issue). Download also the Petri Nets Toolbox by Zdenek Hanzalek and Martina Svadova and add it to the path.

To run the main demo:

>> pdinner_tst


Downloaded Example Explained

The main demo loads a Petri net model shown in figure3 and built using PMEDIT. The firing of the transitions is regulated by signals described in the next paragraphs.

Figure3: Petri net model representing the 5 philosophers dinner problem.

Firing transitions of the Petri net corresponds to having the philosophers issuing requests to eat. In the current simulation these requests are time signals described in a script. The script, more precisely a Matlab function, is run at each time stamp which, according to the time stamp, return an array of flags where is philosopher is indicated his desired to eat or not. See in figure4 part of the script and a graphics representation of the time signals.

Figure4: Requests to eat issued by the philosophers.
The Petri net answers positively when a philosopher can get both the fork and the knife.


Given the input signals, the running of the Petri net shows which philosophers can be effectively eating at each time (see figure5). In case of a real system, where various subsystems are requiring access to shared resources, the Petri net would be indicating at each moment which subsystems are allowed to use the resources without conflicting with others.


Figure5: Served requests to eat.


Note that modern operating systems must work better than failing early like in this simulation. The most common solution is to change the Petri net to not receive directly requests but, instead, to have a resources manager, which tries at all times to have the largest possible number of clients served.



This program was created for the purpose of helping classes. There is no continuous maintenance other the requirements associated to the classes.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.



In case you find this software useful and do any publication in the sequel please refer to the course Industrial Automation.



Prof. José Gaspar
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Torre Norte
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Office: Torre Norte do IST, 7.19
phone : +351 21 8418 293
fax : +351 21 8418 291
www : http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~jag