Ph.D. Thesis
Gustavo Carneiro. Image Pattern Recognition Using Phase-based Local Features and Their Flexible Spatial Configuration. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science.2004. Thesis defended on Aug. 18, 2004. [ps.gz][pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro, and Allan Jepson. The Quantitative Characterization of the Distinctiveness and Robustness of Local Image Descriptors
Image and Vision Computing. 27(8):1143-1156.
2009. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Nuno Vasconcelos. Minimum Bayes Error Features for Visual Recognition. Image and Vision Computing. 27(1-2):131-140. 2009. [pdf]
I. Zalud, S. Good, G. Carneiro, B. Georgescu,
K. Aoki, L. Green, F. Shahrestani, R. Okumura.
Fetal Biometry: A comparison Between Experienced Sonopgraphers and Automated Measures. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. 22(1):43-50.
Gustavo Carneiro, Bogdan Georgescu, Sara Good,
and Dorin Comaniciu. Detection of Fetal Anatomies from Ultrasound Images
using a Constrained Probabilistic Boosting Tree. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 27(9):1342-1355.
2008. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Allan Jepson. Flexible
Spatial Configuration of Local Image Features. IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 29(12):2089-2104.
2007. [pdf]
G. Carneiro, A. B. Chan P. J. Moreno, and N. Vasconcelos. Supervised Learning of Semantic Classes for Image Annotation and Retrieval.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29(3): 394-410. 2007. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro. The Automatic Design of Feature Spaces for Local Image Descriptors using an Ensemble of Non-linear Feature Extractors. Oral presentation at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). San Francisco, USA. 2010. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Jacinto Nascimento. Multiple Dynamic Models for Tracking the Left Ventricle of the Heart from Ultrasound Data using Paricle Filters and Deep Learning Architectures. Poster presentation at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). San Francisco, USA. 2010. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro. A Comparison Study on the Use of an Ensemble of Feature Extractors for the Automatic Design of Local Image Descriptors. Accepted for ORAL presentation at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Istanbul, Turkey. 2010. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Jacinto Nascimento. The Fusion of Deep Learning Architectures and Particle Filtering Applied to Lip Tracking. Accepted for ORAL presentation at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Istanbul, Turkey. 2010. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Jacinto Nascimento. Robust Left Ventricle Segmentation from Ultrasound Data Using Deep Neural Networks and Efficient Search Methods.Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 2010. [pdf]
Jacinto Nascimento and Gustavo Carneiro. Efficient Search Methods and Deep Belief Networks with Particle Filtering for Non-rigid Tracking: Application to Lip Tracking.Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Hong Kong. 2010. [pdf]
Michael Wels, Yefeng Zheng, Gustavo Carneiro, Martin Huber, Joachim Hornegger,
and Dorin Comaniciu. Fast ad Robust 3-D MRI Brain Structure Segmentation. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI). London, UK. 2009. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Jacinto Nascimento. Detection of the Left Ventricle of the Heart in Ultrasound Images using Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of the
Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RecPad). Aveiro, Portugal. 2009.
Gustavo Carneiro, Fernando Amat, Bogdan
Georgescu, Sara Good, and Dorin Comaniciu. Semantic-based Indexing of Fetal
Anatomies from 3-D Ultrasound Data using Global/Semi-local Context and
Sequential Sampling. Accepted for publication by the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Anchorage, Alaska, USA. 2008. [pdf]
Michael Wels, Gustavo Carneiro, Alexander
Aplas, Martin Huber, Joachim Hornegger,
and Dorin Comaniciu. A Discriminative Model-Constrained Graph Cuts Approach
to Fully Automated Pediatric Brain Tumor Segmentation in 3-D MRI. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI). New York City, USA. 2008. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro, Bogdan Georgescu, Sara Good,
and Dorin Comaniciu. Automatic Fetal Measurements in Ultrasound Using
Constrained Probabilistic Boosting Tree. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI). Brisbane, Australia. 2007. [pdf]
S. Kevin Zhou, Feng Guo, Jim Park, Gustavo
Carneiro, and Dorin Comaniciu. A Probabilistic, Hierarchical, and
Discriminant Framework for Rapid and Accurate Detection of Deformable Anatomic
Structure. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2007. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and David Lowe. Sparse Flexible Models of Local Features. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Graz, Austria. 2006. [pdf]
Manuela Vasconcelos, Gustavo Carneiro, and Nuno Vasconcelos. Weakly Supervised Top-down Image Segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). New York City, NY, USA. 2006. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Nuno Vasconcelos. A Database Centric View of Semantic Image Annotation and Retrieval. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (ACM SIGIR). Salvador, Brazil. 2005. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Allan D.Jepson. The Distinctiveness, Detectability, and Robustness of Local Image Features. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). San Diego, CA, USA. 2005. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Nuno Vasconcelos. Formulating Semantic Image Annotation as a Supervised Learning Problem. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). San Diego, CA, USA. 2005. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Nuno Vasconcelos. Minimum Bayes Error Features for Visual Recognition by Sequential Feature Selection ad Extraction. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV). Victoria, BC, Canada. 2005. [pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Allan D.
Jepson. Pruning Local Feature Correspondences Using Shape Context. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Cambridge, UK. 2004. [ps.gz][pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Allan D.
Jepson. Flexible Spatial Models for Grouping Local Image Features. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Washington, DC, USA. 2004. [ps.gz][pdf]
Gustavo Carneiro and Allan D.
Jepson. Multi-scale Local Phase-based Features. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Madison, WI, USA. 2003. (updated version)[ps.gz][ps]
Gustavo Carneiro and Allan D.
Jepson. Local Phase-based Features. Proceedings of the European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Copenhagen, Denmark. 2002.
Nuno Vasconcelos and Gustavo
Carneiro. What is the Role of Independence for Visual Recognition.
of the European Conference on Computer Vision. Copenhagen (ECCV).
Copenhagen, Denmark. 2002. [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
Gustavo Carneiro, Eliana Aude,
Henrique Serdeira, Julio Silveira, Mario Martins, Ernesto Lopes. An
Internet Request Server Architecture for Telecommanding the CONTROLAB AGV
through Real Time Data and Image. Proceedings of the 42nd Midwest
Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Las Cruces, New Mexico. USA. 1999.
Eliana Aude, Gustavo Carneiro,
Henrique Serdeira, Julio Silveira, Mario Martins, Ernesto Lopes. CONTROLAB
MUFA: A Multilevel Fusion Architecture for Intelligent Navigation
of a Telerobot. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA). Detroit - Michigan. 1999. [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
Eliana Aude, Gustavo Carneiro,
Henrique Serdeira, Julio Silveira, Mario Martins, Ernesto Lopes. Integration
of Intelligent Systems and Sensor Fusion within the CONTROLAB AGV.Proceedings
of the SPIE Intenational Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced
Manufacturing. Program on Mobile Robots and Autonomous Systems. Boston,
Massachusetts. 1999. [pdf]
Claudio Mello,Gustavo Carneiro,Paulo
Gondim. Setting up a MBone Node for Distance Learning Purposes.
of the International Conference on Engineering Education. (ICEE). Rio
de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 1998. [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
Technical Report
Carneiro and Allan D. Jepson. Object Recognition Using Flexible Groups of Local Features. University of Toronto. Department of Computer Science. Toronto, ON, Canada. January 2004.
Nuno Vasconcelos and Gustavo
Carneiro. What is the Role of Independence for Visual Recognition?Cambridge
Research Laboratory. Cambridge, MA, USA. 2002 [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
Gustavo Carneiro, Eliana Aude,
Henrique Serdeira, Julio Silveira, Mario Martins, Ernesto Lopes. An
Internet Request Server Architecture for Telecommanding the CONTROLAB AGV
through Real Time Data and Image. CONTROLAB. Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1999. [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
Eliana Aude, Gustavo Carneiro,
Henrique Serdeira, Julio Silveira, Mario Martins, Ernesto Lopes. CONTROLAB
MUFA: A Multilevel Fusion Architecture for Intelligent
Navigation of a Telerobot. CONTROLAB. Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1999. [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
Claudio Mello, Gustavo Carneiro,
Paulo Gondim. Implantacao de um no mbone no IME. Military
Institute of Engineering, Brazil. 1998. [pdf][ps.gz][ps]
M.S. Dissertation
Gustavo Carneiro. Tratamento
de Comandos Remotos e Processamento de Visão para Navegação
de Veículos Autônomos em Tempo Real. Msc. Thesis. Military
Institute of Engineering. 1999. Thesis defended on Feb. 22nd, 1999.