(:Summary: Log of changes made to PmWiki by [[Release(Notes)]]:) See [[Cookbook:RecentChanges | the cookbook recent changes page]] for additional updates and activity by other developers, or join the [[PmWiki/MailingLists | pmwiki mailing lists]] to discuss feature development with us. (comment Changes made to the [[PmWiki:Subversion | subversion pre-release ]] of PmWiki.:) !!! Version 2.2.5 (2009-08-25) * Add *.7z as accepted upload extension (PITS:00813). * Fix global variable $HandleAttrFmt in HandleAttr (PITS:01126). * Allow brackets in input element names (PITS:01131). * Fix CSS class applied twice (PITS:01071). * Fix Not-Modified headers could prevent caching (PITS:00802). * Break FPLTemplate() into configurable sub-parts (PITS:01102). * Add [@(:template none:)@] section for Pagelist templates. * Fix attr-protected page could be deleted with edit permissions (PITS:00238). * Update documentation. !!! Version 2.2.4 (2009-07-16) * Fix bug with page attributes, which somehow didn't make it in the 2.2.3 release. * Fix bug with HTML entities in XLPages introduced earlier today in 2.2.3 (reverted, PITS:01114). !!! Version 2.2.3 (2009-07-16) * Fix action=logout could incorrectly set a session cookie (PITS:01062). * Fix page history trim in vardoc.php (PITS:01103). * Add $EnableUploadGroupAuth, use group password for downloads (PITS:01104). * Fix recursive PTV loops, added $MaxPageTextVars (PITS:00915, PITS:01099). * Fix mkdirp() messages for absolute paths (PITS:00396). * Fix sample-config.php order for urlapprove.php (PITS:01037). * Fix broken signature links on preview. * Fix crypt.php (action=crypt) could malfunction for passwords with quotes or apostrophes. * Fix @@ @_site_*@@ passwords to work in GroupAttributes (PITS:00836, PITS:00998). * Fix possible XSS vulnerabilities, reported by Michael Engelke. * Update documentation. !!! Version 2.2.2 (2009-06-21) * Fix class in pages not on the breadcrumbs trail, reported by Ed W. * Fix @@tabindex@@ and @@onclick@@ to guiedit buttons. * Fix $GroupPrintHeaderFmt in print.php (PITS:01073). * Fix global vars in xlpage-utf-8.php (PITS:00980). * Fix $txt in LinkPage (reported by Eemeli Aro). * Add $EnableNotifySubjectEncode for international wikis (Cookbook:UTF-8). * Fix international message in Abort(). * Fix security bug with AuthUser, reported by Eemeli Aro. See [[Release notes]]. * Fix $ActionTitleFmt for login and upload, reported by Eemeli Aro. !!! Version 2.2.1 (2009-03-28) * Fix $FPLTemplateMarkupFunction which somehow didn't get in the 2.2.0 archive. * Fix wikitrails to work cross-group (PITS:00407). * Add $EnableRedirectQuiet variable (PITS:00919). * Fix [={$Title}=] could display global variables (reported by HansB). * Fix reloaded form submissions could lose values (reported by DaveG). * Fix preview while restoring a version from history (PITS:01081). * Fix relative links with international characters (reported by G. Hermanowicz). * Add in sample-config.php example call to xlpage-utf-8.php (PITS:01066). * Update documentation. * Fix guiedit.php to produce valid HTML. !! Version 2.2.0 (2009-01-18) * Convert beta series to official release series. * Add $FPLTemplateMarkupFunction (PITS:00984, requested by John Rankin). !!! [[#beta68]] Version 2.2.0-beta68 (2008-08-14) * Fix E_NOTICE errors reported by Dominique Faure. * Enable [@(:redirect:)@] directives in pagelists. !!! [[#beta67]] Version 2.2.0-beta67 (2008-07-13) * Add [={$LastModifiedTime}=] page variable. * Add $EnableSessionPasswords variable to control session password usage. * Add $SessionEncode and $SessionDecode variables to specify functions for encoding/decoding sensitive session data. * Updated httpauth.php to use SessionAuth instead of poking in session guts directly. !!! [[#beta66]] Version 2.2.0-beta66 (2008-07-04) * Add content-type/charset to Abort() output (suggested by Petko). * Close minor XSS vulnerability (PITS:01030). * Add "nested if" capability. * Fix bug in $Transition handling that would enable all transitions if any were set (reported by John Rankin). !!! [[#beta65]] Version 2.2.0-beta65 (2007-11-17) * Fix SiteAdmin.AuthList so that it defaults to list=all (reported by Roman). * Fix pmwiki skin to include xmlns= attribute in tag (PITS:00989, reported by Mateusz Czaplinski and Petko Yotov). !!! [[#beta64]] Version 2.2.0-beta64 (2007-11-13) * Add times to PmWiki date parsing (e.g., 2007-08-09T12:22:04). * Suppress warning from ini_set in diag.php (suggested by Petko). * Fix handling of -> links in trails (reported by Eemeli Aro). * Add .kml and .kmz as valid attachment types. * Fix handling of [=&=] in markup (PITS:00988, reported by Stirling Westrup). * Fix duplication of language markers in $XLLangs (PITS:00987, reported by Stirling Westrup). * Correct typo in DRange() call in stdmarkup.php (reported by Stirling Westrup). * Turn on error displays when diagnostics are enabled. * Default PHP's pcre.backtrack_limit to at least 1000000. !!! [[#beta63]] Version 2.2.0-beta63 (2007-07-31) * Added $SkinDirectivesPattern to allow adjustments to available skin directives (requested by Petko). * Fix default permissions on Site.AuthUser and Site.AuthList (reported by Scott Connard). * Add "monospace" to pmwiki.css default (reported by Joshua Timberman, with assistance from H. Fox) * Fix problem with slashes in wildcards to name= and group= parameters (reported by Ian MacGregor). !!! Version 2.2.0-beta62 (2007-07-21) * Fix bug in trails introduced by beta61 (reported by charlequin). !!! Version 2.2.0-beta61 (2007-07-19) * Add ability to grab trails by section. * Add an "ontrail" condition (from suggestions by charlequin). !!!Version 2.2.0-beta59, 2.2.0-beta60 (2007-07-18) * Fix problem with upgrade.php on [[wiki farms]] (reported by Scott Connard). * Fix problem with distributed version of Site.AuthUser (reported by Jon Haupt). !!!Version 2.2.0-beta58 (2007-07-17) * Significant change: Site.AuthUser, Site.Blocklist, Site.ApprovedUrls, and Site.NotifyList now appear in the [[SiteAdmin]] group by default. ** Note: if you limit groups by setting $GroupPattern, you now need to include SiteAdmin (see [[Cookbook:LimitWikiGroups]]) * Abort if ldap: authentication requested and libraries aren't present. * Added "upgrades.php" script to handle various migration issues. * Current PmWiki [[version]] is now held in [[SiteAdmin.Status]] . * Fix ?action=postupload to follow ?action=upload settings. * Improvements to [[SiteAdmin.AuthList]] page (suggestions and fixes from Ian MacGregor). * Allow leading underscores in attachment names (requested by Christophe David). !!!Version 2.2.0-beta57 (2007-06-15) * Fix AsSpacedUTF8() to work like AsSpaced() (reported by Petko). * Qualify page links that contain parentheses (reported by Petko). * Fix bug in [@(:input default $:var ... :)@] (reported by Crisses). !!!Version 2.2.0-beta56 (2007-06-13) * Fix AsSpaced() to not add spaces before leading digit, and treat hyphenated digits as complete numbers. * Fix infinite recursion in self-referencing [[page text variables]] (PITS:00915). * Fix bug introduced in beta55 not handling end [[links|anchors]] correctly (reported by Roman). !!!Version 2.2.0-beta55 (2007-06-11) * Fix attributes to [@(:input e_form:)@] (PITS:00387, re-reported by Crisses). * UpdatePage() now calls StopWatch() to record posting. * Display stopwatch output as part of redirect. * Fix [[wiki styles]] bug when $EnableLinkPageRelative is set (reported by Petko). * Revise TextSection() code to hopefully avoid %newwin%[[http://pcre.org/|pcre]] limits (reported by Kathryn Andersen, Knut Alboldt). * Add wrap=inline and wrap=none options to [[page list(s#pagelistwrap)]]. !!!Version 2.2.0-beta53, 2.2.0-beta54 (2007-06-02) * Improve error message reporting for markup rules (suggestion by Knut Alboldt). * Clean up more E_NOTICE warnings (reported by Ian MacGregor). * Add focus= option to [=(:=][[forms|input]]:) controls. * Added CSS [@.faqtoc@] class, to be able to display only the questions coming from the #includefaq [[page list template(s)]]. * Changed [[PmWiki.FAQ]] to use .faqtoc class. * Fix bug in TextSection (PITS:00935, reported by Jean-Fabrice). * Fix bug in [[page list(s#pagelisttrail)]] caching of trails. !!!Version 2.2.0-beta52 (2007-05-26) * Add per-PageStore attributes (from a suggestion by Tobias Thelen). * Add [@{$PasswdRead}@], [@{$PasswdEdit}@], etc. to display page password settings. * Add Site.AuthList to display all password permissions on a site. * Reorder $PageListFilters slightly. * Add "passwd=" option to [[page list(s#pagelistpasswd)]], to return only those pages that have some sort of [[password(s)]] attribute on them. * Add line numbers to StopWatchHTML output. * Clean up handling of $AuthCascade. !!!Version 2.2.0-beta51 (2007-05-23) * Add fmt=count to [[page list(s#pagelistcount)]] (reminder from Hans). * Ignore hidden files in [[skin(s)]] directories when searching for .tmpl (suggestion by Stephan Becker). * Clean up queuing of pages to be updated in .pageindex . * Reset $LinkTargets() at beginning of each UpdatePage() sequence. !!!Version 2.2.0-beta50 (2007-05-22) * Fix HTML cache when drafts are enabled, or other recipes using CondAuth(). * Prevent [[page lists]] with protected pages from HTML cache. !!!Version 2.2.0-beta48, 2.2.0-beta49 (2007-05-21) * Fix spurious value= attribute in