!! International * [[http://www.poeticon.eu/ | POETICON++]]. Robots need Language: A computational mechanism for generalisation and generation of new behaviours in robots, EU - FP 7, Jan 2012 - Dec. 2015. The main objective of POETICON++ is the development of a computational mechanism for such generalisation of motor programs and visual experiences for robots. * [[http://www.robosom.eu/ | ROBOSOM]], A Robotic Sense of Movement, EU - FP 7, Dec. 2009 - Dec. 2012. This project aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in motion perception and control in a humanoid robot. The fundamental principles to explore are rooted on theories of human perception: Expected Perception (EP) and the Vestibular Unified Reference Frame. * [[http://www.first-mm.eu/ | FIRST-MM]]. Flexible Skill Acquisition and Intuitive Robot Tasking for Mobile Manipulation in the Real World, EU-FP7, Feb. 2010, Feb. 2013. The overall objective of First-MM is to develop the technology for a new generation of autonomous mobile manipulation robots which can be instructed easily to execute mobile manipulation tasks in a robust way. * [[http://www.handle-project.eu |HANDLE]], Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation, EU - FP 7, Feb. 2009 - Feb. 2013. This project aims at providing advanced perception and control capabilities to the Shadow Robot hand, one of the most advanced robotic hands in mechanical terms. We follow some paradigms of human learning to make the system able to grasp and manipulate objects of different characteristics: learning by imitation and by self-exploration. Different object characteristics and usages (object affordances) determine the way the hand will perform the grasping and manipulation actions. * [[http://eris.liralab.it/contact/ |CONTACT]] Learning and Development of Contextual Action, EU - FP 6 Sep. 2005 - Feb. 2009. * [[http://urus.upc.es/ | URUS]] Ubiquitous Networking Robotics in Urban Settings, EU - FP 6, Dec. 2006 - Nov. 2009. * [[http://www.robotcub.org/ | ROBOT-CUB]], Robotic Open-architecture Technology for Cognition, Understanding and Behaviour, EU - FP 6, 2004-2009. * [[http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CAVIAR/ | CAVIAR]], Context Aware Vision using Image-based Active Recognition, EU - FP 6, 2002-2005 * [[http://www.liralab.it/projects/mirror/ | MIRROR]], Mirror Neurons for Recognition, EU - FP 5, 2001-2004. * NARVAL, Navigation of Autonomous Robots Via Active Environmental Perception, EU - FP 5, 1998-2001. !! National * [[http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~alex/biolook/ | BIO-LOOK]], Biomimetic Oculomotor Control for Humanoid Robots, FCT Oct. 2007 - Sep. 2010. * VEMUCARV Spatial Validation of Complex Urban Grids in Virtual Imersive Environments, FCT 2005-2008. * INTELTRAF Monitorização Automática do Fluxo de Trânsito Automóvel e Detecção de Acidentes e Avarias em Auto-Estradas, FCT 2003-2005. * RESCUE Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots, FCT 2000-2004.