!! My experiences with ROS !!! Installing ros-electric-pr2-desktop * Following instructions in http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/PR2/electric ------- [@ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu natty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ros-electric-pr2-desktop @] ---- !!! Installing Additional Tools * Source control, Python and Rosinstall ------- [@ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools sudo easy_install -U rosinstall sudo apt-get install bzr bzr-explorer qbzr sudo apt-get install mercurial sudo apt-get install subversion python-svn @] ---- !!! Installing Shadow Robot Simulator in ROS (for HANDLE Project) * Copy the following code to a file named /tmp/sr_stable.rosinstall: ------- [@ - bzr: uri: lp:sr-ros-interface/stable local-name: shadow_robot - bzr: uri: 'lp:sr-ros-interface-ethercat' local-name: shadow_robot_ethercat version: 517 - svn: uri: 'http://isr-uc-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/stacks/serial_communication/trunk/cereal_port' local-name: cereal_port @] ------------- * Rosinstall this file: ------------- [@ mkdir /home/alex/ros_workspace rosinstall /home/alex/ros_workspace/ /tmp/sr_stable.rosinstall /opt/ros/electric @] ---------- * Source the created setup.bash ------- [@ source /home/alex/ros_workspace/setup.bash @] -------- * !!! Compile the thing * Build sr_hand with Gazebo ---- [@ GAZEBO=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hand GAZEBO=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hardware_interface GAZEBO=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_mechanism_controllers GAZEBO=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_mechanism_model GAZEBO=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_gazebo_plugins @] ---- * Build extra packages ---- [@ rosmake sr_external_dependencies rosmake --rosdep-install sr_control_gui cyberglove sr_remappers sr_tactile_sensors sr_kinematics @] ---- !!! Install the KCL sensors * Unpack KCL code to a directory eg and add kclcontloc_sim and kcl_msgs to ROSPATH. * Build ---- [@ rosmake --rosdep-install kclcontloc_sim @] ---- * Edit arm_and_hand_motor_ellipsoid.urdf.xacro and replace full_arm_motor.urdf.xacro by full_arm_motor_with_kinect.urdf.xacro !!! Running it * Run the robot simulator ---- [@ optirun roslaunch sr_hand gazebo_arm_and_hand_motor_ellipsoid.launch @] ---- * Run the interface ---- [@ roslaunch sr_hand sr_arm_motor.launch @] ---- * Run the simulated sensors ---- [@ roslaunch kclcontloc_sim kclcontloc_sim.launch @] ---- * Run the object manipulation stack ---- [@ roslaunch sr_object_manipulation_launch sr_object_manipulation.launch @] ---- NOTE: MAY NEED TO RESET GAZEBO !!! Configurations * Reduce the framerate ----- [@ rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /camera/depth_registered/points 1 @] ---- !!! Interfaces * Run the controller gui ----- [@ rosrun sr_control_gui sr_control_gui @] ---- * Image viewer ----- [@ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image/raw @] ---- * RVIZ ----- [@ optirun rosrun rviz rviz @] ---- * ROSGUI ----- [@ rosrun rosgui rosgui @] ---- !!! Connect to the UPMC setup ----- [@ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://hand:11311 @]