VisLabW32 - Version 1.0 - 6/11/2002 This is a very simple framework for testing image processing functions written in C/C++ in the Windows32 platform. It is composed by classes and functions allowing to: - Read image files and avi sequences - using the recent windows library "gdi+" and the old lib "VideoForWindows". - Displaying images in windows - using an image class adapted from the "Microsoft Vision SDK". - Benchmarking processing times - using SDK functions to operate the high resolution performance timers. The framework is distributed in a zip file (VISLABW32.ZIP) and includes the following files: - IMVIEW32.H - Classes for image display - TIMER.H - Classes for timings - AVIFILE.H - Classes for reading avi files - MAIN.CPP - Demo console application illustrating the use of the framework and the gdi+ functions to read image files. - SUNFLOWER.BMP - Image file used by the demo. - HIGHWAY.AVI - Avi file used by the demo - README.TXT - This file - PROBLEMS.TXT - Some problems found in this release - GDIPLUS.DLL - Microsoft redistributable for non Windows XP machines If this is the case, put the file the root directory of the application. To install the framework just unpack the VISLABW32.ZIP file to a new directory. To compile the demo application, create a new console application including the file MAIN.CPP and build the application. This has been tested with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Copyright (c) 2002, Alexandre Bernardino - ISR/IST. All rights reserved.