FILE: NORMALFLOW\README.TXT ACTIVEX NORMALFLOW V2.0 ----------------------------------------- 0. Whats new ? 1. About NormalFlow ActiveX Server. 2. Known Limitations 3. Files 4. Installation 5. Functionality 6. Use in Matlab 7. Use in C++ ------------------------------------------ 0. What's new ? Important changes from version 1.0: - Only floating point arithmetic used. - Input image is one channel floating point - Renamed methods and member variables - Does not require OpenCV and IPL libraries 1. About NormalFlow ActiveX Server. NormalFlow is an ActiveX server object that computes the normal flow on digital images, using differential methods. The object exposes its internal functionality to most programming languages and environments in Windows platforms. It was designed to be accessed via Matlab and C++ clients, but can be used by other compiled/scripted languages. 2. Known Limitations - Only allows grayscale images. - Only allows floating point data type - "float *" in c++ - "single" in matlab - Image number of columns should be a multiple of 4 - MATLAB must be version 6.0 or later. 3. Files NormalFlow is distributed in a zip file ( and includes the following files: NormalFlow.dll - the binary code implementing the object functionality NormalFlow.tlb - the type library required for use with compiled languages README.TXT - this file PROBLEMS.TXT - Description of some problems found in this release INSTALL.BAT - The registration script required to install the object UNINSTALL.BAT - The registration script required to uninstall the object TEST1.M TEST2.M - Matlab script files with examples of object usage TEST.EXE - compiled program to test the object; requires the Microsoft Vision SDK IMAGE1.BMP IMAGE2.BMP HIGHWAY.AVI - Images for test programs. 4. Installation: Installation of the NormalFlow object - Unpack the "" file to a new directory. - Run the registration script "INSTALL.BAT" - Run the TEST.EXE application to test the ActiveX object. 5. Functionality: Object Properties (To be configured before object creation): - lines - number of lines of input images - columns - number of columns of input images - input_filter - boolean variable indicating if the object should perform spatial blurring in the input images. The implemented filted has small variance. It is recommended that input images are previously blurred with filters of variance on the range of flow values to detect. - timederivative_mode - mode for computation of time derivatives: - 'recursive' - temporal IIR causal first order filter - 'batch' - temporal FIR zero phase (non-causal) 5 order filter - computation_mode - Kind of processing to be done: - 'changedetection' Computes the image Squared Time Derivative Method: ComputeIt2() Result: It2 = It*It - 'normalflow' Computes image Space Derivatives Methods: ComputeIx(), ComputeIy() Results: Ix = d/dx(Is), Iy = d/dy(Is) Computes the image Squared Space Derivatives - requires Ix, Iy Methods: ComputeIx2(), ComputeIy2() Results: Ix2 = Ix*Ix, Iy2 = Iy*Iy Computes the image Squared Gradient Magnitude Considers a regularization term lambda (can be zero) Methods: ComputeIg2(float lambda) Results: Ig2 = Ix2 + Iy2 + lambda Computes image Space/Time Derivative Cross Products - requires Ix, Iy, It Methods: ComputeIxIy(), ComputeIxIt(), ComputeIyIt() Results: Ixy = Ix*Iy, Ixt = Ix*It, Iyt = Iy*It Computes the normal flow field Methods: ComputeUn(), ComputeVn(), ComputeFn2() Results: Un = -Ixt/Ig2, Vn = -Iyt/Ig2, Fn2 = ||(Un,Vn)||^2 = It2/Ig2 - Object Methods - process_data(input_img) - feeds new image to the filter. The input image should be spatially blurred with filter variance of about the flow values to detect. - Returning values (object read-only properties) - Is = The original image (blurred if input_filter == 1) - It = The time derivative image - Ix = The horizontal derivative image - Iy = The vertical derivative image - It2 = The squared It - Ix2 = The squared Ix - Iy2 = The squared Iy - Ig2 = The squared gradient = Ix2 + Iy2 - Ixy = Ix*Iy - Ixt = Ix*It - Iyt = Iy*It - Fn2 = The squared normal flow magnitude - Un = The horizontal normal flow - Vn = The vertical normal flow 6. The NormalFLow object can be called by any ActiveX aware scripting languages like Java, VisualBasic and Matlab. Check the matlab script files *.M to see examples of use in Matlab: For more information check matlab help on integration with activex objects 7. C++ Example. The NormalFLow object can also be used with compiled languages and takes advantage of their flexibility to create highly optimized code. It exposes functions that allow the internal access to data structures, avoiding expensive data transfers between the object and the client, but reducing the robustness against programming errors. These functions are not available to scripting languages due to reliability requirements. Check file TEST.CPP to see an example of use in C++. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2002, Alexandre Bernardino - ISR/IST. All rights reserved.